What to Expect When You Are Restoring a Tooth With a Dental Implant

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Because of an injury, gum disease, or extensive decay, you lost a tooth. Losing a tooth is a big deal. A gap in your smile can make eating and speaking awkward and uncomfortable. The nearby teeth may begin to drift into the newly created space, messing up your bite. Besides this, smiling with a lost tooth can be embarrassing! To replace a missing tooth, our dentists may recommend a dental implant.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?
You can have a dental implant placement placed if you have enough healthy jawbone structure, if your gums are healthy, and if you have good overall health. For those who have lost jawbone structure, bone grafting can be performed so that a dental implant can be placed. So really, most everyone is a candidate for implants.

What happens when I get my dental implant?
First, the dental implant post is surgically placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. During the healing process, your jawbone will fuse with the implant post. An abutment is then attached to the top of the implant post, to which your custom-made tooth replacement will be attached by Dr. Calpas, Dr. Hendrix, and Dr. Amundson.

How do I take care of my dental implant?
You may be surprised to learn that dental implants don’t require special care. Just care for your dental implants the same way that you do the rest of your teeth. This includes brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once each day. Be sure to schedule and keep your regular dental appointments.

To learn more about dental implants in Big Lake, Minnesota, and to schedule a visit with our dentists, feel free to contact Monticello Dental Center today.